Hello everyone, Today we have lost 2 3 staff, hello21 (DAGGERDEVIL98), _Itz_Steny_, and coolcat587. -For coolcat587, she doesn't want the burden of being a staff holding her back from what she does best, KitPVP -coolcat587 became staff about 1.5 months ago. -For Steny, he quit because he feels unimportant. He also didn't get along with several staff. He was tired of the arguing. -Steny became staff about march of 2014. -For hello21, he quit because he doesn't get along with the staff. He feels they are abusing, but in fact he is just believing the lies of others. For example, one time Dan threw a bunch of harming potions around in HG. Spoiler: Proof hello21 became staff 1 year, 9 months ago. He is basically the first staff. He will be remembered for his KitPVP kits. Some players thought it was JennyBeary throwing the potions. Yes, she may have flown around once, but she was only opped for a short amount of time to fix something (Opped by Blaster, and she asked him to to deop her after). She follows the rules and reports other staff when they break the rules (They are annoyed when she does). Those players are pretty convinced that Jenny threw the potions, and hello21 believed them, even though they have no proof. If you are a player and you think Jenny abuses, don't believe the rumors. Some say Jenny "uses me". That isn't true. I never OP her. She doesn't ask for much. If you do get proof that Jenny, or ANY staff are/were abusing, start a conversation with me @lizardfreak321 ASAP. I'm not going to ban you if you say a staff is abusing!! If you don't have proof, assume they aren't abusing. We have had SO MANY cases where players claim a staff abuses because they don't like that staff, as we covered here: https://www.shadowxcraft.net/threads/why-you-dont-want-to-be-staff.10/ Yes, I know many of you are wondering about new staff slots open. We will get some new staff soon! https://www.shadowxcraft.net/forums/applications-for-staff.24/ Thank you for understanding! If you have any questions are comments, post them in the thread below!
Hello, I would like to personally thank Hello21, coolcat, and Steny. I am sorry for the trouble I have given to you 3, and all other staff. No one likes being accused of doing something they didnt do. I dont want to hear the rumors, I had enough of them. If you have any questions, message me in forums. I have heard, that 21 has said I "I used 321 for power" That is 100% a lie. That is selfish and would make people feel bad. I am not that kind of person. I am grateful to all the staff that has done so much for the server. I never ask for much, but I want you to have a great ShadowXCraft experience. Have a great day, ~JennyBeary~
Jenny is a fantastic staff. along with 21, Steny, and Coolcat. If any staff would decide to leave, we have no right to hold them back from doing so.
Thank you Steny, coolcat, and hello21, for helping the server when you did. One thing: Please do not continue spreading rumors on the server currently. Coolcat, I have not known you too well, but I loved playing wordner with you Also, you will always be on of the best in HG! Steny, I remember seeing you more than 1 year ago, and it has been a great time. Thank you for your service in the melon empire. Continue your channel. hello21, I cannot fit everything in just one comment section. You will always be my best friend, and I thank you for helping out with the server for so long. I cannot believe ive known you since 2013.. I cannot wait to talk to you on hangouts. Continue your channel also. Thank you for everything. ~Liz7
Well please inform us when they do, we will be on it. But in this situation, Dan was the only one to abuse, and with that came the loss of 3 people. So again, please tell us and give proof so we can address the situation.
Technically I am not the only one.. I know some people did but I can't get the exact time that they abused! But oh well. (Tiger was in creative) (Jenny gave herself money when she was opped) deny all you want but /money top doesn't lie. I already removed the money. Also some mods build without the owners permission.