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A Message To The Servers Community :/

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SenzuZX, May 2, 2016.


do you agree with my statement?

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  1. xIrish

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    Aug 1, 2015
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    Yeh not many people get it ya know, especially the haters c:
  2. SenzuZX

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    Aug 26, 2015
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    stuff gonna get out of hand real soon.
  3. xIrish

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    Aug 1, 2015
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    Real Soon c:
  4. SenzuZX

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    Aug 26, 2015
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    I'm trying not to get involved to much, but this just takes it back to the original point of this thread. people have become overly sensitive and stubborn. This was a simple discussion and no offense to any of you, but half of you are dragging this argument on and on, why? because half of your points are stupid. Shadows community and staff was great. The problem is, is that the staff have been bias in ways. My example is look at the people who were chosen to be staff. Rjay because he was a friend of tyler (No offense) Merome, Nikki, Dan, Hungry, Nick. All friends, some were even friends before they came on to this server, and all this has caused arguments to break out. Since half of the staff that have recently retired have had their friendship groups expand these bits of drama have been happening. Its pathetic. Even now, i thought one of the rules was not to be rude to other players and staff, aswell as not to argue, but look at whats going on. My point is that everyone should stop and let it go, and staff you should stop denying it. The server has been dying out recently but in my eyes, i dont believe it was just 1.9 or anything else. I think it was because of the community and how salty it became. And one more thing, This is all just stupid, this argument was caused because of someone saying that "the server is dying" and the players being salty, then replying with some crap that half of it is either invalid or have important reasons to them. This is why so many players left.
    DestroyerBoy_ and X1X_ like this.
  5. PixelPikaa1

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    Dec 2, 2015
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    Oh my god. its always the same people. I can see them on the thread grouping up not because "the server is dying" or because they want to "improve it". They're all friends working together to achieve one thing. Shape shadow into the hell they call a perfect server. If you guys think that the current staff on shadow aren't doing a good job or that Liz7 hasn't been a good founder then go right ahead and suggest your ideas and try to takeover with that pathetic revolt. I can't believe that you guys were retired staff. I'm pretty ashamed that this is happening and that I always respond to these petty things. Move on with your lives and please stop trying to act like you're above the law and that you're right all the time. No one is perfect. Shadow's community hasn't fallen, but the individuals who were great in community have. I remember Merome, and hungry always on chatting and being good people. Now they're leading a "revolt" and hungry is there insulting everyone when he gets the chance. This is way out of hand right now and I think that they should stop it. Like remember this is a server, not a war. People may have their opinions, but they're trying to enforce their opinions in the wrong way. Hungry stop it with your aggressive comments, Merome stop leading the revolt, and the rest, stop trying to spread the "revolt". This is really low. I'm sure the shadow staff are going to handle this "revolt" accordingly, and I know the staff (Tsprings, Liz7, Liz123, Niki, rjay, jack) are doing the best they can. If you don't see that then just leave. We don't need more toxic in the community.

    EDIT 2: I'm gonna add more incase the "revolters" want more to respond to. What is your goal. What are you trying to achieve? Do you really think this'll end like the American Revolution? Do you expect shadow to change how you want it to be? I think your battle is really pointless and theres a section on the forums called suggestions. I think that'd be useful for you especially since you don't know how to get your ideas out. Please tell us, and the staff what's wrong with shadow. Maybe you guys are the problems, not the staff or how shadow is handled. You're taking this "drama" to a whole new level with a "revolt". No one is going to give up. I know you guys won't and we definitely won't. Keep up your revolt and expect a ban on website and server. If you stop now, then just leave. You're not bound to the server or supposed to stay forever. Remember, there's the suggestion page on forums ;)
    #25 PixelPikaa1, Jul 2, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2016
  6. SenzuZX

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    Aug 26, 2015
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    THANK YOU SOMEONE UNDERSTANDS. you guys are pulling this server apart slowly, even other players agree with me. this crap needs to stop
    rJayT2 and BlasterBlade like this.
  7. BlasterBlade

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    Jul 28, 2015
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    I don't know what suggestions Hungry made but, i believe them being "good" is your opinion. And if they were shutdown its because 321 didn't like them after all it is HIS server, or that the ideas were already suggested or being implemented.

    "ShadowMatrix I'm leaving, but I hope SxC continues on. I'll be lowkey stalking the forums, so I hope I don't miss anything. Cya guys later <3"
    I believe you left because you didn't like the way the server was being run or what people were on it.

    Have you even played Kitpvp3? Its not a rehash..

    Obviously the server will not implement every single idea they get. Only good ideas will be implemented.

    I don't believe that simply making the server more unique or more fun, will instantly bring back all the players and bring in thousands. It takes time for unique gamemodes to be made and ideas of those are being thought of and suggested. And most players are still in school. You can't expect someone to stay on the server forever. People get bored, thats life. Me and 321 have discused this before the main way we get more players is advertisement, what it needs is youtubers to make videos on the server and post them. As for new gamemodes i believe that isnt what needs to be changed, rather the refinement of current projects. To make them more proffesional, like improving builds , and upgrading the current gamemodes we have.
    Like ive suggest previously an improvment of creative, i feel creative is neglected, and yet it has a lot of potential, it should be more than just a creative server rather something that is used to help people get better at building, this would give people a sense of progression and improvement of their own building skill, this will keep players and want them to to get better. Those are the kind of upgrades we need.

    I really believe that #Revolt is pointless. There isn't one main reason for your revolt. You guys just think that the server is being unfair to you guys. What is the purpose of the #Revolt? What will the #Revolt do?. Revolutions happen when you make people believe that change is possible and that it is something good for everyone. Before you guys started the revolt you guys should of thought of a better arguement.:p
    #27 BlasterBlade, Jul 2, 2016
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2016
    _Monkz, rJayT2, KyleTrends and 3 others like this.
  8. lizardfreak321

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    Jul 26, 2015
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    If you want something implemented, please make a suggestion in the suggestions category. Things get buried elsewhere and get forgotten because we have a lot more things to do than make small minigames; Prison 2.0, Factions 2.1, and KitPVP version 3.0 for 1.7 to name them.

    I trust @__FalleN and @BlasterBlade's opinions. They are both mature people who do not base their decisions on emotion. In addition, they joined way before most of you have joined. Blaster joined March 11th, 2014, and Drain joined May 1st 2014. This was a time where the server was much more in its infancy when compared to now.

    I think that the only thing that is bad about KitPVP version 3 is it is for 1.9+, which is something the majority of the ShadowXCraft community has had trouble adjusting to. I could be wrong and you could be 100% correct, but I think KitPVP has drastically improved every single update in my option.
    _Monkz, rJayT2, KyleTrends and 2 others like this.
  9. WafDan

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    Aug 1, 2015
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    I can agree on some of yall's messages, but not all.
    Hungry wanted to be more than a builder.. while you only wanted to moderate. I am the one who thought of the builders perms actually.. 321 asked for them for msgspy but I disagreed. So we ended up not giving them enough perms. 321 wanted you to help out in more stuff but you didn't want to. So you weren't only just promoted to ban people. Hungry was promoted just for building.
    He was promoted to builder because he was actually building in the past, I believe he's building in prison2 currently.. I'm admin but I hardly do administration, now I can do more than just administration. I can finally record, so technically I can be demoted to mod, but what's the point. I do administration tasks once in a while, and 321 trusts me. So I can just keep it. I am going to do great things with this rank later on.
    Yea.. the server is being choked for a while now, but what caused it in the first place.. a group of people trying to make change and in the process ended up making players leave.
    I am not hating, but the others might.
    They were promoted because we could actually trust them instead of some random guy who only wants destruction. Tsprings wasn't staff because of friends, he was a developer. I wasn't promoted because I as friends with staff. (I was actually the opposite of friends with some people..) Merome wasn't promoted because of friends, we all seemed like a great choice for most of the staff. But sadly some people dont become staff because their actually the enemy of some staff..
    Builders weren't going to get helper perms, their builders. rJay was sort of a builder admin.
    Please stop with the riots. It's doing nothing good, and I'm talking to both sides. History is repeating itself, noone to trust, noone to talk to, new friends, new set of staff. This sucks.. I'll try to make both sides happy, but sadly not everyone will be happy.
  10. SenzuZX

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    Aug 26, 2015
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    tbh it reminds me of the ZnAdvins incident
  11. ADayToRemember_

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    Aug 2, 2015
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    Basically I was only promoted because of the hackers... And plus, all 321 ever asked me to do was building related for Prison2, and everyone knows I can't build for my life.
    WafDan likes this.
  12. lizardfreak321

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    Jul 26, 2015
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    I wish some things didn't cycle like this..

    Yeah I didn't know that. I wish you told me. If you did, I must have forgotten.
  13. KyleTrends

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    Jul 28, 2015
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    I mean a lot of new people didn't experience what it was like in the good ol'days. Staff were active and they're was a community not so toxic. A lot of this drama came when people like Laeth, Icombo, Lavq, Tempestry and etc joined and started a pvp community and most Competitive communities are toxic to be honest. But that actually grew the server as well. People liked Competitiveness, and that's why kitpvp and uhc was in Shadow. People were hyped and and really excited for it. When there were arguments people just took off and left. So there's been changes and I get that people don't find shadow interesting since most of them like the 1.7 community and 1.8. But when old people return it feels nice to see them once again. I know if someone returned they could possibly make a change but right now I think it's too late. Unless people see the light and thank the staff for what they have been going through with us players since the 1st day we've ever been here. I bet people had beef with other people before and when you look back and see, you kinda feel sorry for what you did. Maybe if the server never became toxic then Shadow would be much much different. But right now the people who could turn this around is you.

    PS. This is my opinion.
    PaolaXO, gmmc88, rJayT2 and 1 other person like this.
  14. rJayT2

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    Sep 20, 2015
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    For one, I was the first Builder. I know there was an old builder rank long ago, but that was gotten rid of for whatever reasons. I was the first staff Builder. It was created for me because (unlike you remember) I was Jr. Helper and then Helper for almost a month. The Builder rank was revitalized for my promotion specifically. So it's difficult for people to say I had too many perms for being a Builder. By the way Merome, I am working on stuff in Prison 2.

    For another, all of the points above are good, and I'm glad people are talking on a more civil level. What I personally feel like is that some people, specifically the #revolt people, want ShadowXCraft to be the kind of server certain extremely popular YouTubers who play Minecraft would play on. These certain YouTubers are some of the #revolt people's heros.

    Some of these said YouTubers are bad people and should not be anyone's role models. But they are anyway. As a result, we get the toxic behavior that spreads from the popular media to the viewers and then into the servers their viewers play on. Unlike some servers, we are not going to put up with this popularized toxic and vulgar behavior. My whole concern is keeping ShadowXCraft rated the same as the game Minecraft is (for those who didn't look at the box or downloaded online or never read anything, it's rated E10 for everyone 10 and up), and keeping it a server that no decent parent would be shocked at reading the chat over their child's shoulder, or listening in on their child on Teamspeak. I'm not here to argue versions. Many of you already know my opinion on Minecraft versions. Nor am I here to argue about whether SXC is dying. I'm here simply to say, rules, at least by your's truly, will be enforced. Every time. No exceptions. No matter who you are. And there is nothing wrong with that. So, keep arguing. Keep #revolt ing. That's not my concern. My concern is family friendly. Every time.
    BlasterBlade, SenzuZX, X1X_ and 2 others like this.
  15. SenzuZX

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    Aug 26, 2015
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    I remember that discussion on the teamspeak a while ago, but fair point
    BlasterBlade likes this.
  16. Hungry_Barbarian

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    Sep 14, 2015
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    You do realize that the 11 year olds on the server swear more than me and my friends combined soo ...
    xIrish likes this.
  17. lizardfreak321

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    Jul 26, 2015
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    Well it looks like they haven't been around only E10+ content.
  18. xIrish

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    Aug 1, 2015
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    This is pointless tbh x-x
  19. SenzuZX

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    Aug 26, 2015
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    Hungry if the 11 year olds swear more, then why are you acting remotely close to them.
    The only reason you probably say that, is because of our points and other members of the community joining in on the argument. Me and @BlasterBlade had a whole discussion on how half of the arguments that are being thrown out into this tread are completly and utterly stupid
    lizardfreak321 likes this.
  20. xIrish

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    Aug 1, 2015
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    Well people that are getting involved that don't need to be is utterly stupid nothing else if your not involved don't get involed
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