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My KitPvP Suggestions For Shadow

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by TheDarkStrafes, Apr 8, 2017.


Do you feel that toggle sprint should be allowed?

Poll closed Apr 22, 2017.
  1. Yes.

  2. No.

  3. It doesn't bother me all that much.

  1. TheDarkStrafes

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    Hero Retired

    Jul 31, 2015
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    8:47 AM
    So I've been stopping by shadow pretty often lately and I've came up with a couple of ideas that could possibly help Shadow acquire/recruit more players. However,before I go on about my opinions and ideas,I want to discuss a certain bug(found in KitPvP-Retro) that I find to be pretty major. It's a bug where as I could participate in a match(whether it's 1v1s,2v2s, or even FFA) and there's this save kit option but whenever I save it,it does NOT save which pretty much forces me to rebuild my kit over and over throughout every match I play which can be pretty big deal because not only does it slightly annoys me but for people who are extremely impatient,it could cause quite a decreation within shadow's player count which would be pretty fatal.

    Not only that but I've noticed how some kits are slightly powerful than others which gives a unfair advantage. For an example,there's a kit in OP PvP where there's a kit called "Gold OP?"(I believe). It has full gold armor and a axe. And then there's the ordinary Diamond/Basic Kit. And apparently from what I've experienced with it,gold has a major durability boost over diamond which bothers me by quite a bit. I actually lost several times to a player where I would hit him several times much more than he/she would hit me and he/she would win when he/she barely got any hits which was odd to me. Now for those who are VERY competitive and take everything seriously,it could either affect them where as they would get themselves muted OR they would just automatically click the "Disconnect" button without saying a word about it. It's not fair and it can even annoy me sometimes but hey,I'm pretty much used to this kind of stuff Lol. I'd just hate to see others who can't really handle it well experienced what I've experienced.

    In my HONEST opinion,I highly,HIGHLY suggest toggle sprint being allowed on shadow. It's free to use and optional to those who'd rather use it. Yeah I get that it sounds unfair but when you think about it,everyone can use it. It gives PvPing a much better experience for MOST people. Some people prefer not to use it because they're pretty much better without it. Toggle Sprint is one of the major reasons why other servers gain a tremendous amount of players a day. Allowing Toggle Sprint on Shadow would be absolutely golden when it comes to gaining at least a couple of players. When people scroll through servers they,it is most likely that they take a look at what they allow. This is something that I do as well. For PvPers, it's like "Well do they allow they allow the mod requirements for pvp?" and "If they don't then why bother playing on the PvP portion of the server if they don't meet those requirements to make it interesting?". See,this is what I pay attention to on shadow. I personally take a look at shadow's modlist pretty often and I NEVER see Toggle Sprint on the list and yet Shadow has a PvP System that can potentially grow if it allowed certain mods.

    Another mod I suggest is the CPS mod. It simply let's you know how fast your clicking is. That's all. There is no unfair advantage in any way. ( https://www.google.com/#q=Cps+mod )
    I feel that shadow has greater potential than what most people think. It just takes the effort of figuring out what's popular in minecraft and what's not. PvPing is pretty much what I get on MC for. It's the ONLY reason I use MC til' this day(Sad but true). I feel that KitPvP-Retro is definitely worth another update. However, the current KitPvP-Retro should be kept. It's always good to keep memories because they're unforgettable and that's it should be kept. I feel that a couple of kits should really be updated and fixed. I feel like there shouldn't even bet a "Kit" in PvP for the next update(Whenever that happens but like I said,it shall be kept). Shadow's PvP portion of the server should have a system where there's "Basic FFA" for every gamemode where it's the ordinary Basic,Kohi,or even a FFA SG(Which I personally feel that would be interesting :) ). All of the other kits that exist should stick with KitPvP because that's the point of "Kit" Pvp,right? A lot of advertising whether it's on youtube,social media,discord,or even on other servers(Lol) should be required.

    In my eyes,I see this idea as EVERYONE being able to help. We can't always rely on staff when it comes to EVERYTHING. You have to keep in mind that they're human too. I'm pretty sure the staff do they best they can and as a former staff,I honestly still care about shadow,really. Which is why I'm here, suggesting this to not only the staff but to the whole community. If we want to make the server better,we have to show it by doing so. Working together is the only way to bring Shadow back up from it's previous decreations within the player count.
    #1 TheDarkStrafes, Apr 8, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2017
    _The_Pumpkin_, rJayT2, X1X_ and 3 others like this.
  2. Tsprings73

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    Jul 26, 2015
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    That bug was Liz and Myself's fault. We partially integrated the inventory saving but then lost track of it and never finished it.

    This is the current issue/improvement list for KitPvP Retro. These are issues/improvements that were reported either by staff or by players. When Liz and I start working on KitPvP again, these are the things we will tackle first.

    (T: This is the type of issue. Green arrow means improvement, Red circle means bug, Check mark means task, and the light bulb means idea.)
    (P: This is the priority of the issue. Green means minor, red means major)


    Totally agree. We, SxC Staff, have built this server so players can have a great time playing minecraft with their friends and family.
    rJayT2 and TheDarkStrafes like this.
  3. X1X_

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    Aug 6, 2015
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    This is a very good thread reminding us personally of what is necessary in KitPVP to make it exclusive and enjoyable. But everyone has to bear in mind that we are still pushing full speed ahead with Prison2, so these change should won't be effective immediately. And that is also partially due to us only having 3 developers on the team who can actively code, and they all have work/school regularly. So we are limited in a lot of ways.

    But on a side note, @TheDarkStrafes, how do you think Liz's PVPBots can be implemented into KitPVP to make us even more unique?
    #3 X1X_, Apr 9, 2017
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2017
    rJayT2 likes this.
  4. TheDarkStrafes

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    Jul 31, 2015
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    Honestly,PvPbots aren't needed.. Making bots won't help anything. In fact, it makes KitPVP worse. I remember coming on shadow and have my experiences with one of the bots and it was extremely OP like I could barely kill it. The bot's difficulty is way too high and it even looks like the bot hacks or something. We don't want anyone experiencing anything hack-related. It's sad to say but true. I'm not only concerned about KitPVP but the server as a whole. Well of course,that's for a whole other topic.
    DaJumboCombo likes this.
  5. lizardfreak321

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    Jul 26, 2015
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    We're not going to throw them in with normal players. They obviously need work. The goal is to be able to adjust how good they are at PVPing with a few variables. Once they're added to KitPVP they'll be very player-like in how they act.

    They're currently being made for Prison though.
    TheDarkStrafes likes this.

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