So yeah, I was just wondering if somehow, or someway we could make this happen. I personally have kept in touch with some players over the years and I think this could be a very good idea to reflect back and see how we've all matured and what we've done in our lives later on. I also picked the summer since it would give a higher chance for people to actually play and just have fun communicating with old members. Also a good chance for new players to learn from past players and yeah. ^-^
Would the format still be a 3 man team for each group other then staff? Since last time, uhc2 was a 3 man team and you got to pick them yourselves, if that's the case ^-^ then I might just have fun talking or playing with people.
There is no such thing as a bad team. I haven't actually pvped in such a long time, as I'm sure a lot of us haven't.