I kept falling off mah skyblock and ending up next to a village on teh superflat, all the while taking no fall damage ;-;
Its great you love SxC but this isn't the place to talk about your ban. Also please don't spam about your ban or it might be extended.
I personally don't use either of these servers, but i think the most fair thing to do is to get rid of the original uhc since there is still going to be uhc 2. That way everyone wins (expect for those who have to update skyblock ... sorry) because we can keep sky block and still have uhc 2!!!! Hope this helps !!!
UPDATE: Sky server has been shutoff. The data is still there just the server isnt running. If enough people want sky back, we may start it.
The problem i think with skyblock is that its simply skyblock, just skyblock, a block, in a sky. Thats it you can build eventually get to a pint where say you have a castle beautiful walkways grass farms etc, but then what? they basically burned out everything they oculd do, while say in pvp you kill people drop ranks go up ranks etc and it practially doesnt end everything you can do, it may get boring eventually but thats why you add more maps and kits and such, theres few things one can really add to skyblock, especially with it being so ignored by everyone, more importantly staff, it cant build up that well anymore. UHC is different however, its great and a new experience each time, but the problem is lack of players, its different from skyblock in the sense that skyblock can have 1 person on it, and work perfectly fine, while UHC needs like 1000 people to work properly and still be fun which is difficult to get, only times when peope actually get on is when staffsay "Staff uhc happening soon" or whatever because staff is staff. And i dont think staff have mentioned uhc games anytime soon, i bet some of the players dont even know uhc exsits on the server. @lizardfreak321 really should pay more attention to these things and at least try to improve them in some ways before its too late to do anythings you probably just missed out on like 20 players