Who saw the blood moon last night? Check out these pictures I took: (I did crop them) 1 hour: Average settings used: Camera used: Nikon D3300 Lens used: Just a 55-200mm Nikkor kit lens. Lens focal length: 200mm Mode used: Manual. Focus: Manual (Not easy, very dark subject. One eye needs to stay closed to make it adjust to the dark). Aperture: f/7.1 Shutter: 5 seconds ISO: 400 Whitebalance: Direct sunlight How to get a better picture than I did: Use a DSLR with a better lens. Some super-zoom point-and-shoot cameras may be sufficient if used in manual mode. A zoom multiplier will help a lot if you are using a DSLR. So I was out in 52F (11C) weather, on the driveway taking pictures for an hour. I notice the neighbors come out. They also took pictures, using a flash..... Did any of you get good pictures?
Yeah, you are sooooo right. The pics all came out like blurred specks -sigh Is the Nikon D3300 a good camera?
ALSO here are some pics one of my friends took I think the first one is kinda cool :3 (not quite sure how he got that blur effect)
Maybe a long-exposure picture. I used my telescope to look at the moon. I couldn't really see much of the moon because of a stupid lamppost right next to our driveway.