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Hub is a place where you first login, it allows you to do fun things. This includes Parkour, Flappy Bird, and chat with friends. You can also step on the Gold Pressure Plates so that you can go to your destination faster, There are portals you can go to visit different servers. The Hub was created by The Owner lizardfreak321.
To get back to spawn: /spawn
To see the map list: /pk maplist
To see the best scores: /pk best <MapNumber>
To leave a parkour: /pk leave
To join a parkour: /pk join <parkour Number>

We are planning on making a new Hub soon, so please be patient! There's a threads were you can suggest onto the new Hub! Click Me For the First Link, and Click me for the Second Link!

If you have any problems with Hub. Please contact lizardfreak321

The Documentations For the rest of the Servers are listed here:

Sep 23, 2015
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