The new swear filter has been released to all servers! This new swear filter is a bunch of new regex expressions. The regex expressions allow the swear filter to catch a phrase. A LOT of work has been put into this new version of the swear filter. If you have been in creative, that is where I have been working on it. The work likely totals 40 hours total!! I did most of the work. This new swear filter is MUCH smarter. It is now a lot harder to bypass. For example, if the word "hello" was blocked, it used to be as simple as doing "hel.lo", "h e l l o", "hellllo", "h_e_l_l_o, h3!!0, etc. to bypass it. Now all of that is blocked. I modified the expressions for almost all of the swears to make it so you can't bypass it like that. The new swear filter also contains new words! Many staff took the time to find as many swears as they could, that haven't been blocked yet. The list totaled 80 words, it took a while to add them to the filter. The filter now contains 130 different words, and it can filter thousands of variations of each of those words. The new swear filter also is a bit more polished than the one it's replacing. The old false positives are gone now. (There may be new false positives.) There are new replacements that are better than the old ones too, and we removed the filter for "wtf". The new swear filter only allows characters found on the US keyboard! You may test the swear filter using commands! Just write the swear as if it is a comment (/ at the beginning). If it isn't blocked, you will see "unknown command". If it is blocked, you will see a warning from the swear filter. If you find a way to bypass the swear filter, report it in the comments! If you find a false positive, leave it in the comments! If you think something should be changed, leave it in the comments! Thanks! Warning: There may be swears in the comments.
Awesome! I know for a fact that you put a lot of work twords it, and I think it was smart to keep "wtf" cause people would have gotten preeety mad. Great job.
*Claps for 321* for making SxC a better server, much more improvements and looking forward to more! The swear filter will help is make the chat a lot more clean and we can respect players and staff. 40 hours is A LOT. Now I thank 321 and all the other staff that helped. Thanks for making ShadowXCraft a better server, ~JennyBeary~
There's so many it's not worth blocking them out, I don't understand why ShadowXCraft try's to enforce no swearing... I know there's little kids but we shouldn't have to talk like little kids instead of using what's our true nature
Like you can do fak faka foka feka shet shett aoss auss ausshole Peenis pernis peewieness puwssy Nigeria Nieger burger, what I'm getting at, is people will ALWAYS find a way around it if they absolutely want to...
Taking away Swearing isnt making it safe its making people rage because they cant say fac on factions in chat or sometimes cant use /f f (fac name)
HOPEFULLY the plugin dev for the chat plugin will add a swear command, that allows you to go between the filter ON and the filter OFF.
... How am I supposed to write my name? My name has an accent ok, not my ign, but I mean my real one, lol
This filter is doing great! It's funny when people say a swear, it gets replaced, then someone else says "he meant <swear>" and they get muted too These people need to learn that the filter is always active.. Thread closed because it's old.