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I Quit Shadow...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kdude5, Apr 1, 2016.

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  1. Kdude5

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    Aug 30, 2015
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    10:52 AM
    This is going to be long and probably no one will read it because, hey, I've been ignored on the server for months. But anyway, I'm leaving ShadowXCraft. This is not an April Fools joke, and I will be posting a multitude of Goodbye Shadow videos on my YouTube channel. First off, I've been ignored. I don't know if it's because I'm too unpopular, but it is what it is. Nobody wanted to talk to me and every message I said in chat was completely disregarded and ignored. It honestly hurt me that I was so incredibly alienated from a community that I had once been part of. Secondly, most of my friends I had met in 2015 had moved on to a more popular group of friends and usually acted like they didn't know me (and I know it isn't because of the username change, I had already told everyone I was Kdude5 before talking to them). It was so sad remembering all the memories with them, and then looking at today and seeing how they acted like they didn't know me or ignored me. I was just devastatingly sad. But there were three distinct and recent occasions of me being either forgotten or ignored. I won't be saying any of their names because I don't want to put them on blast, and even if they don't remember, they all happened this week, and I certainly remember. The first case was one night when I was on HG. I saw an old friend of mine who I hadn't seen in a while, and I messaged him saying I was Kdude5 and I asked how he was doing. Instead of getting a "Oh, hi Kdude!" I got a "DK I'm muted from private messages" and nothing else. He didn't even want to say "Hi" back to me. I couldn't believe it and I felt my face getting hot. The next scenario was when I was in TeamSpeak, and I heard that one of my old friends was playing on [Big Server with H as their logo]. I went on that server and friend requested him, and in TeamSpeak he said aloud "What the frick? DK's trying to friend request me..." and that's not what I expected to hear from an old friend. It really crushed my feelings that he would say that after me being such a long friend of his. I had helped him out when he had first come to the server, and now he hung out with the more popular group and acted as if he didn't know me. Some people may think one small sentence isn't a big deal, but if you really look into it and look at how long we've been together, it truly was disappointing. The final big scenario was when my (obviously displayed) favorite admin was on, and I messaged him saying that I was Kdude5. He replied "hi" and I got excited that he replied so of course, I replied back, but after that he basically dissed me. And he said in public chat that he had dissed me, and he called me "someone", even though I had respected him a lot and always tried to be a friend. I had openly looked up to him and always was happy when he was around, but after that, I was completely saddened and devastated. The next day, I was messaging one of my friends about the whole situation, and the admin friend who dissed me saw my messages and told me that the only reason why he didn't really talk to me was because he didn't know me very well. That made me very sad and disappointing because I had respected and looked up to him, openly, for the last year. I couldn't believe it. And the previous few months, the only time he'd talk to me in public chat was to say "..." before muting me for saying things that his favorite players would say (and they'd NEVER get muted). It was so unfair. That brings me to another subject: The favoritism. The staff would have favorites, and those favorites could say and/or do whatever they wanted without punishment whatsoever, while I'd have to face full consequences. Shadow had become very unfair and unbalanced to their players: Favorites of the staff could do or say anything they wanted, and everyone else had extreme punishment. I'd constantly get muted for saying things that just so slightly sounded like an inappropriate word or term, and I'd get muted. Also, the chat is full of rules such as waiting a second before messages and no caps. Obviously the "no caps" rule is to prevent spam, but only 3 capital letters were aloud. Isn't that overboard? I'd understand at least 7, that's reasonable. Shadow is becoming extremely secured, like North Korea or something. All of this added up to me not liking my first ever server and favorite server, and being rejected by 99% of the players has now lead to me quitting. This is not meant to create controversy, drama, or pity, but I just wanted to state my reasons. If ShadowXCraft would like to learn from this, I say to the players to be a more welcoming community, I say for the plugin workers to loosen up the security, and I say to the staff to do your duty and don't be bias. I'm sorry it's come to this and I never thought this day would come, but Shadow isn't what it used to be. Farewell, and it's been a good one. I'll miss you guys, even if practically everyone ignored me.
  2. TheDarkStrafes

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    Hero Retired

    Jul 31, 2015
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    10:52 AM
    I'm soo sorry to hear that man.. I'm here for ya. Shadow just isn't the same as the way it started. Sorry to tell you this but there's nothing any of us can do considering that It will just be ignored. This server was a big part of my life and It got ruined.. But anyway,keep your head up man. Hopefully you can check on the server more than I do :) . Much love for ya <3
    GalacticFreaky, Infehh and MakerKitty like this.
  3. WafDan

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    Staff Member Retired

    Aug 1, 2015
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    Hold on.. I need to check my chat logs.. I don't believe I missed you, or if it was a different admin. But it's been too long since seeing you. I can see why you feel this way. But you can't really judge me like that. There's no favoritism in me. People say that but there isn't. Before you say I have favoritism check the admin tools... I've warned/muted a friend so much. And even a temp ban. All these mutes I gave you were fair, and are not as bad as the friend I warned/muted/banned. Yes I did remember you but I dont remember you too much. All the drama you have heard.. You've only heard one side of the story.
    rJayT2, Infehh and MakerKitty like this.
  4. ADayToRemember_

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    CEO of wasting my time on SXC

    Aug 2, 2015
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    Kdude, I may not know you like other members in the community but I know you have a kind heart. You gave me a warn welcome and I instantly knew you could have been one of my friends, but we never really got the opportunity to talk. You will be missed in the community, even though you may not know it. I really hope you come and visit the server sometime. <3
    Infehh and MakerKitty like this.
  5. _The_Pumpkin_

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    Hero Retired

    Aug 4, 2015
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    8:52 AM
    Sorry to hear this, I completely understand..
    Infehh and MakerKitty like this.
  6. Sushied

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    Popular Member

    Jul 30, 2015
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    12:52 AM
    Really sad to see another loyal player leave the server. Hopefully, We all understand. If ya need someone, Y'know where to find me. c:
    Infehh and MakerKitty like this.
  7. steelersrule234

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    Sep 1, 2015
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    11:52 AM
    At first I thought this was an April fools joke, but now i see this is real. I wish you the best of luck ^-^
    Infehh and MakerKitty like this.
  8. lizardfreak321

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    Staff Member Owner Founder

    Jul 26, 2015
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    Did you say "Hi admin" or something like that? The admins don't like being generalized to "Admin" so when they get called that they generalize the player that said it to them to "Player" or maybe in this case "Someone".

    Also for the ignoring, did you notice him moving around or was he possibly AFK? I am AFK all of the time, and many people message me during those times. It may look to them like I am ignoring them but in reality they sometimes aren't on when I get back to respond to them.
    If the admin was not AFK, was he in a server with a lot of messages? It's possible for the message to have gotten buried in his message log. I think both admins have MSGSpy on all of the time, so it is extremely easy for your message to get lost in the many messages of other people.

    If there is any favoritism start a conversation with me on the forums with all details. I will talk to that staff about the issue and we will then need to hope they stop it. It's human nature to be nicer to your friends, because don't forget that staff are not robots.
    WafDan, Infehh and MakerKitty like this.
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