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A Message To The Servers Community :/

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SenzuZX, May 2, 2016.


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  1. SenzuZX

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    Retired King

    Aug 26, 2015
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    2:26 PM
    So over the past few days, ive realised something about the server, before i took that large break away from the server (which was a few days after kitpvp 2.0 was released, the original 2.0) that it seems that the salty part of the regular minecraft community had arrived, like for example back then targeting was not an issue, there was not a large amount of hackers and honestly the servers community was great, and if something did go wrong that the players did not like it was dealt with professionally. Now im honestly disappointed with the most of the Servers community, as some of you know some of "Drama" and by that i mean, whats happened with Dan and Steny, players arguing with staff a lot more. And thats just an outline and i get that a lot of players think they're the victims in some of the events that have happened and sometimes they are, but in most of the situations ive seen, ive just seen players being salty and acting as if there the victims when the staff are clearly being fair. shadows players really need to clean up there act. i mean dam, ive met some great people on this server and some extremely defensive people, who will defend their friends no matter what (im looking at you hungry XD) which is great but most of them do it with insults, when theres easier and more professional ways to sort things out, but honestly its not just some of the players i think its some of the staff to. what i mean by this is a lot of the staff are great (liz, tsprings, rjay) and a lot of them are very professional, some i admit are not the best, some do abuse and are warned, honestly i think the staff should be a lot more strickter on who they pick to be staff, as well as getting more staff, because now most the time you see a lot of hackers on the server and a lot of arguments, yet theres no staff online at that time, at all.

    the point of this rant was to tell a lot of the players and staff that they really do need to clean up their act, think a lot more about what they do and make the server a great place again, because in all honesty the server had a lot of players on it around 200, now its around 50 which yes you could argue could be because of work or school, but theres no doubt that a lot of the server is just becoming pathetic, but seriously this may be a rant but its also a message to the whole server it needs to fix it self up. i dont think i need to say anything more
    Infehh, _Monkz, gmmc88 and 3 others like this.
  2. lizardfreak321

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    Jul 26, 2015
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    Yeah it's unfortunate.. The odd thing is I can't find a root cause. I can verify that that is about the time where we started moving towards premium, but I am not sure that is a large enough factor.
    Infehh, gmmc88, SenzuZX and 2 others like this.
  3. SenzuZX

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    Retired King

    Aug 26, 2015
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    Honestly what you could do is look at the different players connecting that are on premium and some how just calculate and average if its high then it could be possible, but the problem is it wont stop all the salt/toxic players for to long as well as it wont stop the premium players from arguing with other players and staff to
    WafDan and X1X_ like this.
  4. gmmc88

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    Aug 21, 2015
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    I think 1.9 has scared away all of the hackers...
    and the players.
    (seriously, Kit8 is still there!
  5. rJayT2

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    Rule Breakers' Worst Nightmare
    Staff Member Moderator Shadow

    Sep 20, 2015
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    I don't think it's scared players away. As for hackers, it's that their clients don't work on 1.9.
  6. steelersrule234

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    Sep 1, 2015
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    Well there isnt as much drama now as there was before.
  7. lizardfreak321

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    Jul 26, 2015
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    Yeah. Now it's just players trying to prove points and completely failing in the process. If anyone wants something changed in ShadowXCraft, that is what the suggestions forum is for, I personally look at every post and I normally reply.
  8. LizardFreak7

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    Aug 15, 2015
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    Nice rant, my eyes hurt a bit cause of the structure XD, but it was well said :) I agree with a lot that was said.
    When it comes to staff, quality over quantity and I think we are in the right direction with the recent demote.
    rJayT2, steelersrule234 and SenzuZX like this.
  9. Hungry_Barbarian

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    Sep 14, 2015
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    Lol the only reason we're losing players is cuz SxC isnt fun anymore. There isnt anything interesting or unique about it. So what if pvp 3 was released? Its the same thing over and over again and ppl are sick of it. The biggest mistake was releasing too many things in a short amount of time. We released a bunch of hg maps, factions 2, etc in the span of a month and a half, and ppl got really hyped up but after that whole excitement died down there was legit nothing left to do. The server is dead, the forums are dead and quite frankly, sxc is dying.
  10. WafDan

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    Aug 1, 2015
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    The server never dies, we've had people that say it dies, but it doesn't in the end. Players just come back, they're home is still here. But they leave a nasty scratch. This scratch became infected. Players keep saying that the punishments are unfair. But is it really? Or is it just some players trying to protect themselves. The staff aren't corrupt. Are the players corrupt? Some staff and players might be corrupt. But not all of them. we were all great people. Not sure about you hungry, but most of us were.
  11. SenzuZX

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    Retired King

    Aug 26, 2015
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    I agree with dan, not all staff and players are corrupt, but hungry does have a point. the server has released so much stuff in such little time and at the wrong time, a few weeks before people have exams and stuff.
    WafDan likes this.
  12. Tsprings73

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    Jul 26, 2015
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    We do have about 3 things planned for release sometime soon. This time they will have scheduled releases so it's not all at once.
    SenzuZX likes this.
  13. KingDaggerX_

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    Mar 30, 2016
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    I want to weigh in on this and put in a paragraph about everything thats wrong but i'll just make it short.
    You know whats really killing the server the update of 1.9 people speaking a bit to out of emotion and not just sitting there and trying to beat people at pvp or just have a normal conversation(I must admit i took part of this so don't call me a hypocrite because i stopped for good now). The Staff seem like there just going with the flow even though i know you guys aren't you just seem like it because of the shortage of staff on the server. I know its hard to find quality staff and to be honest you need to make a decision More staff or The staff you have now come online more often. Yes i know you have social lives but if you can give more of your time you can cure this cancer that infected the server. Wow i guess i could make a paragraph on this. but seriously these are things you can take in consideration and use these words wisely. thank you
  14. LizardFreak7

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    Aug 15, 2015
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    You lost my rational thinking when you started it with "lol".
    I agree with Dan, though.

    Nice opinion. The SxC staff have been thinking of a few good staff, so that's solved. We cannot "jump the gun" because then you get staff like hungry. I'll let more experienced staff answer the rest :)
    #14 LizardFreak7, Jul 1, 2016
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 1, 2016
    rJayT2, Tsprings73 and WafDan like this.
  15. ADayToRemember_

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    CEO of wasting my time on SXC

    Aug 2, 2015
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    Staff didn't "jump to the gun" to make Hungry staff. Hungry was making most of the builds for KitPvP3 at the time, and so it was decided to make him Builder (If I'm wrong, someone can correct me on that). He needed a lot of the perms for worldedit to create these builds. Yes, I can say he is immature when he wants to be, and that is why he was never given any Helper perms. As a friend of Hungry's I say hes inappropriate, but don't use him as a example of how staff "jump to the gun" to promote staff. That's just outta line and it makes me angry. So I'd appreciate it if you stop right there.
    Hungry_Barbarian and WafDan like this.
  16. rJayT2

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    Rule Breakers' Worst Nightmare
    Staff Member Moderator Shadow

    Sep 20, 2015
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    It was jumping the gun. It was pushed through. We even said "we shouldn't but..." and did anyway. That's what Seven meant. What line did she cross? Curious. It's pretty hard for like, the creator of SXC to be out of line when discussing the hiring process on her server. Guns were jumped.

    Also, Hungry, the server isn't dying. I wish people would stop saying that when it's clearly not true.:p It's been being said now for like 4 or 5 months and the same people are still here making the same claims. It's getting really old.
  17. LizardFreak7

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    Aug 15, 2015
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    Thanks for enforcing rJay.
    and @ShadowMatrix , please respond to him I want to know as well.
  18. SenzuZX

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    Retired King

    Aug 26, 2015
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    2:26 PM
    -Sits and eats popcorn- I apologize for my behavior but i find this intresting
  19. ADayToRemember_

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    CEO of wasting my time on SXC

    Aug 2, 2015
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    Sure, I would be glad to explain it all! You guys want the truth right? Well, here it is.

    First off, rJay. That's already what I meant by not giving him Helper perms. We all know that he wasn't ready to be staff, but he needed the Builder perms to help out the server by making KitPvP3 maps and the lobby. And in fact, if you think that Hungry's promotion to Builder was a "jump to the gun", then I guess you could say mine was too. Hungry was only added to help out the server by building maps, and I was only promoted because I was legit on all of the time recording the hackers. And while we are talking about promotions, let me bring up the reason why you were promoted to staff. I believe you said this yourself, so please feel free to comment: "I was basically promoted to Builder because it was an excuse to give me staff." I know that you are a good staff member, but isn't the whole point of being Builder is that you make builds for the server? But you know, I guess they changed that when you weren't building the slightest thing for SxC (besides that Star Wars ship thing). If anything, you should have been Helper first, but instead you were promoted to Builder because you can add/take away certain perms: acquired warn, /v, and multiple others, then eventually more perms than Mods in every sub-server. But now that you are Admin, you finally have the rank that matches your perms.

    And 7, not to be rude or anything, but I do not think you are the one to say much about the promotion of Hungry. As I recall, you were not active (little to none) on Hangouts and Slack. Sure, you can go back and read everything said in staff chat, but that does little good. And since you were so inactive during my position as staff (which was a good 5 months or even more), I do not believe you have much to say on this matter. I know that you are the founder and all, but when even_JordyJA_ is on Hangouts/Slack more (and no offence, but he was the most inactive staff for a long time) than you - it kind of sets the scene right here.

    "The server is not dying." Have you looked at the player count recently? Or wait, I guess the player count is normally since SxC has only had 20-30 players on maximum for the past 2 or 3 months. This then brings the question of how we can bring more players to SxC. And I know all of the staff keep on saying to make a thread about new suggestions, but while I was staff I do remember Hungry giving a lot of good suggestions. But I believe they were all shut down? Not to sure because they were never answered in staff chat, nor the thread on the forums. As for the players making suggestions, I really do like the thought of most ideas. I'm just not to certain that they will be implemented on SxC.
  20. Hungry_Barbarian

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    Sep 14, 2015
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    PREACH!! Finally someone who has a brain gets it :D
    ADayToRemember_ and xIrish like this.
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