Hello everyone, We recently completed and released a new Report/Helpop system. This system allows staff to reply to players from the staff chat. This enables us to help at times when it would have been impossible before, because we are very busy and aren't always able to get on Minecraft. /report <player> <reason> - Lets staff know that this person is misbehaving (Please record hackers with screen recorders even if you report them) /helpop <message> - Messages staff about what you need help with /slist - View online staff and what time it is where they are from /ping [username] - Tells you the ping of the specified player. Do not abuse this system and be specific with the report/message! Thanks to @DJDan, who has worked on this since late December! I (@lizardfreak321) also added some vital features since Dan has been very busy with his senior year of high school. Suggestions? Leave them in the comments!
Correct. And by suggestions, he meant *about this particular system*. If you want an anti-cheat don't hijack a thread to let us know, go make your own thread in Suggestions. Also bear in mind, particular people who are reading this who know you're guilty, if we don't reply to a helpop in 3 or 4 minutes, do not continue spamming helpop! Help will come, and while this system bolsters the speed of help and most often you will get help very very quickly this way, if no one responds, that means no one has seen it. So I don't want to see anymore walls of helpop spam from the same guy when I get on after you know, driving for 30 minutes. I'm not pulling over out of traffic because my phone dinged.
?.. We'd have to create our own anti cheat. Other anti cheats aren't the best and there are lots of false positives. We might add some simple anti cheat that works with our current pvp plugin. if someone reports it we will know. You're posting this in the wrong section.. https://www.shadowxcraft.net/forums/suggestions.10/
Oh wow, I didn't know it worked so efficiently like that. I'll start reporting more often. Btw ''Invasion of privacy''... lol
Yea.. It's a cool system. We can reply to these messages from our team chat. Later on this week I can add a way to ban from the chat system as well.