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A Better Skyblock (Suggestions)

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by xMineral_TM, Sep 18, 2017.

  1. xMineral_TM

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    Aug 13, 2015
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    9:29 PM
    Because Skyblock is one of the most popular subserves on the network, I figured I should contribute to the ever growing list of suggestions, so here's my take on it.

    1. Island borders: This is to have a bit of privacy, and sometimes, protection from mobs that come from nearby islands, perhaps your neighbor has a terrible island that may affect the way yours look, it may also be a way to know how big your island is and to now fall off the edge everytime you hit the invisible border.
    2. Trading posts: Because having shops is a bad idea, why not add a trading post? This is so that players exchange certain blocks with NPCs positioned in their own area at spawn, because some resources are incredibly valuable, or hard to get, like stained clay, stone blocks like andesite, diorite, etc... It can also add to the creativity level of players since you'll be essentially giving them a wide selection of blocks to use however they wish.
    3. Difficulty levels: Skyblock is a gamemode that some people find easy, or boring, why not adjust the difficulty? Upon creation of your new island, you'll be given the option to select a level of difficulty that suits your playstyle, if taken into consideration, I'd be happy to share more information about this idea, and more...
    4. Build ranks: A new feature that allows the player to interact more with staff and actually look cool in the process, got an outstanding island? Want to share your creativity? Apply for an island assessment where staff judge your island and award you with a prefix that suits your style.
    5. Blueprints: An achievement-type feature where you are awarded with blueprints for creative builds provided by staff, the more achievements you complete, the more blueprints you get for you to use however you please.
    6. More achievements: Nothing else needs to be said, more achievements, more challenges, more goals, more fun ! Give something for the players to look up to, there has to be some form of competition for the subserver not to fade away.
  2. trifire

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    Oct 8, 2016
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    I get where your coming from, but I feel walls everywhere would ruin the open sky feeling of skyblock.

    I actually really like that idea. An alternative would be allowing players to start shops of their own.

    Could be good, as some players struggle to get to island level 100, while others get several hundred within a few weeks.

    I like the concept, but this could get really complicated really fast, especially if staff decides on a tag for your island that you don't like.

    Hmm... I dunno about that one.

    The more achievements, the better. This would be another way to get players some of the blocks/items that are currently impossible to obtain such as cocoa beans, spider webs, and diorite.
  3. Tsprings73

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    Jul 26, 2015
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    There has been talk of this. I do plan on adding some sort of chest shop or related to allow for players to buy/sell stuff.

    This is already setup in the plugin. I just have it set to one island type currently. The plugin will allow you to select what difficulty of island you want to try and survive on.
  4. PixlrC3fe

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    Dec 15, 2015
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    It's a good idea for an OP Skyblock though
  5. Hungry_Barbarian

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    Sep 14, 2015
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    I suggest mob stacking like in factions. Its annoying when you want to go afk so you can farm mobs but the mob cap is 120
    xMineral_TM likes this.
  6. xMineral_TM

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    Aug 13, 2015
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    That might cause some problems when dealings with friendly mobs that are needed for wool, eggs, etc.. But on the other hand, it would be pretty useful for hostile mobs.

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