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The Last Epilogue.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xMineral_TM, Dec 31, 2018.

  1. xMineral_TM

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    Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2015
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    4:35 PM
    Hello, xMineral/Myst here. Former ShadowXCraft player and a member since 2014.

    Emphasis on "former", because as of today, I am no longer a part of this community. It is quite heartbreaking to say that this year, none of my expectations have been met. Promises have been made of course, regarding 2018 being the year Shadow gets revived in, but I'm afraid that wasn't the truth.

    However, as it is common in the community for people to say the server is dead, it's not in reality. Because it's still up and running, isn't it?

    I won't be complaining about that note, nor will I be calling out anybody for letting the server die. Because, as I said earlier, I am no longer part of this.

    ShadowXCraft has been quite an important piece of the puzzle that is my childhood. I never really understood why I never went for the larger more active servers, but all I knew was that this was the server for me. It held quite a special place in my heart, and though it saddens me to finally let go of it today, a part of the journey is the end, right?

    Therefore, I will no longer participate in threads, or keep an eye on the forums, or join the Minecraft server for gameplay.

    I'm not even going to bother sharing all the things me and other friends have done on the server. How we met, how we spent time.. It's not worth it. Because the server I knew years ago has died. This may sound contradicting with what I said earlier, but I meant that the server is indeed alive, in name, and that's it.

    Sorry for typing too much. And don't try to contact me in any way possible. It's over.

    ~The future awaits.~ Myst.
  2. AsiqnRodder

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    Aug 7, 2015
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    11:35 AM
    I always follow in Onii-Chan's steps and bid farewell.
    #2 AsiqnRodder, Jan 1, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2019
  3. lizardfreak321

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    Staff Member Owner Founder

    Jul 26, 2015
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    11:35 AM
    We're still actively working. That's what's important. Arbitrary year numbers won't change the fact.

    We do have a plan. We will be making an announcement post about it soon for 2019.
    KyleTrends, FallenCatalyst and rJayT2 like this.

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