I think they Should lower than price value of stuff like its 2 high people arent gonna get nothing cause there also gonna be dealing with gear and ranking up and you need 2 add more stuff 2 shop and you also need 2 add creeper eggs literally thats the only way ppl can raid other ppl but keep the Spawners the same prices but the spanwers that should be lower down are skeleton zombie and cows like those spawners should be like for beginers and add string to be sold too the shop and enchant signs host drop partys once a month or once a every 2 months and you need cratekeys the main thing you need 2 do in all of this is lower down the prices in shop theres alot of ppl complaining about it its not even like its hard for ppl to get rich honestly ;-; and the armor is 2 op like prot 9 and sharp 7 the maxium should be atleast prot 5 and sharp 6 thats all not like prot 9 cause the server isnt op factions Well Hope These Ideas really helped you guys out -MR_TROLL_14
Players have already reached the 5th (Last) player rank. This shows that the amount of money players can make is well balanced. Since the release we have greatly increased the amount of things that can get sold.