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Reverse Nether Portal Operation

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Furozun, Jun 8, 2016.

  1. Furozun

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    Sep 1, 2015
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    Local Time:
    11:05 AM
    If you want a nether portal in your plot (if you want it in a specific place you will have to do extra stuff) then you can build a nether portal in the nether and light it to your plot
    1. Go to the CENTER of your plot (this is just so your portal doesn't get confused with a portal next to your plot to much
    2. Find the cords (x and z are extremely important, z can help you make a direct portal if you want a specifically placed portal)
    3. Nether switch the cords using this calculator (Here)
    4. Find the cords in the nether
    5. Build a nether portal ,light it, walk though it
    6. If the portal is not near your plot make sure you are using the DIRECT center (again to not confuse portals)
    This should work unless someone has a portal too close (rubbing up agianst a wall for whatever reason)to your plot.

    Your welcome​
    ShadowXRemember likes this.

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