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Resolved Shadowxcraft's Mute Filter

Discussion in 'Help!' started by SuperNario55, Jan 25, 2016.

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  1. SuperNario55

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    Aug 15, 2015
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    Local Time:
    7:29 PM
    It has really been bugging me a lot and I find it really annoying when I get muted for 10 minutes for something I really shouldn't get muted for. Like today I was in a Skype call with my friend. He didn't really meant it but he said "Hey dude, you should kill yourself". I then said in chat "I'm in a Skype call with my friend and he is telling me to kys." I then got muted for 10 minutes. And one other time, I was insulting myself by saying "I'm a nub" and I got muted for 60 seconds. Honestly dude. I really hope that this thread goes out to staff so then they could hopefully fix the way the filters work, or at least change keywords for the filters. I hope the ShadowXCraft gets this thread and will do something about it. Thank you for your time.

    Infehh likes this.
  2. Tsprings73

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    Jul 26, 2015
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    The filter is extremely smart. @lizardfreak321 spent a lot of time getting it to work the way it does. A lot of swears and bullying terms are blocked for a reason. As well as to help make chat follow the server rules.
  3. lizardfreak321

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    Jul 26, 2015
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    It is not easy to make the swear filter smart enough to detect context. I did tell it to ignore "I'm a noob".
    Just don't say noob or "kys" and any other swears, and you will be fine.
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