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Comments on Profile Post by steelersrule234

  1. _The_Pumpkin_
    .. What happened?
    Oct 9, 2016
  2. MakerKitty
    He forgot to turn off the circuit breaker while installing a chandelier in their bedroom, falling unconsciously... Emily can fill you up on the rest of the story since she's the one who knows about it the most.
    Oct 9, 2016
  3. rJayT2
    How horrible. Hope he recovers quickly.
    Oct 9, 2016
  4. _Monkz
    Hello emilyrule234. Sad for steelersrule234 :(
    Oct 10, 2016
  5. steelersrule234
    Sure @JackShadowPyrez. So like you said, he forgot to turn off the circuit breaker, so he didn't realize the wires were live. When he touched one the black one, there was a loud FZZZZATTT and then he fell to the ground unconscious with 3rd degree burns to his arm. Also, his heart was barely beating and he was barely breathing too. I screamed and got our son out of the room quickly
    Oct 10, 2016
  6. steelersrule234
    I then called 911 on my phone. He is awake now, but he cant feel his arm at all... :(
    Oct 10, 2016
  7. MakerKitty
    aww.. I hope he recovers... I don't want his arm fried.
    Oct 10, 2016
  8. rJayT2
    Does it matter how old they are? ... I fail to see how that's relevant or your business.... just saying.
    Oct 17, 2016
  9. Ibr_The0n3
    Uh sorry?
    Oct 19, 2016
  10. DaJumboCombo
    I like steel better but hope he feels better soon!
    Oct 27, 2016