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Comments on Profile Post by Ibr_The0n3

  1. _Monkz
    I did a face reveal on my YouTube but i later deleted it. And why are you scared? If you think your friends will say "eww you're so young" means they're not true friends.
    Dec 14, 2016
    Ibr_The0n3 and Wasy like this.
  2. Ibr_The0n3
    No, "ugliest person i have ever seen" or something like that
    Dec 15, 2016
    _Monkz and Wasy like this.
  3. _Monkz
    If some of your friends say that, it means they're not your TRUE friends. True friends are the one that aren't rude to you. Even if they know your age, they don't act rude.
    Dec 19, 2016
    Ibr_The0n3 likes this.
  4. Ibr_The0n3
    Well not friends?... Maybe some people that are not my freinds comment here?
    Dec 19, 2016
  5. _Monkz
    So we're not friends? Okay then.
    Dec 19, 2016
  6. Ibr_The0n3
    No... That's not what i meant... I meant like, People that are not my freinds comment here
    Dec 19, 2016
    psychdelics and _Monkz like this.
  7. _Monkz
    Oh, sorry
    Dec 19, 2016