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Comments on Profile Post by LizardFreak7

  1. _The_Pumpkin_
    -starts looking through my 97 video game music files in my computer
    Nov 6, 2015
  2. LizardFreak7
    U find any? ;-;
    Nov 7, 2015
  3. _The_Pumpkin_
    It really depends on what music you like/want. I have a crap ton of mega man songs. I could send you some if u want, except I don't have ur email. If you could PM me it, that would be great..
    EDIT: Found one that you might like. Its a remix of a song called Storm Eagle.
    Nov 7, 2015
  4. LizardFreak7
    Just something you think fits me, nothing my opinion-related! Just send a youtube link on here for the one song :D
    Nov 7, 2015
  5. _The_Pumpkin_
  6. LizardFreak7
    Cool ^_^
    Nov 8, 2015