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Comments on Profile Post by LizardFreak7

  1. steelersrule234
    i hope things get better for u :)
    Dec 4, 2015
  2. steelersrule234
    i failed mine too doe D:
    Dec 4, 2015
  3. MakerKitty
    aww... I've failed some math tests in the past... I blame my math teacher for never writing information down on the board expecting me to be capable of listening and writing at once... I can't read and write at the same time as I do lip read -_-
    Dec 4, 2015
  4. LizardFreak7
    @steelersrule234 I dun know what I got but cause of dat toothpaste i think i failed XD @JackShadowFirez omg same! and then we go over a lot of material and the material on the test is like the only think you DIDNT study ;-;
    Dec 4, 2015
  5. MakerKitty
    ikr ;-;
    Hope I don't get that problem in college which I'll likely be going to in 2016
    Dec 4, 2015
  6. LizardFreak7
    i think at least one teacher at every school does it a few times, but good luck! What college?
    Dec 4, 2015
  7. MakerKitty
    I'll be going to Red River College to take "Automotive Technician" courses, hopefully in fall 2016 due to all the paper works that I and a few organisations have to do before I can get in.
    The job industry have become overly difficult to enter that even some people who currently have jobs but would want to change are even asking themselves "Will I be able to?" :/
    Dec 4, 2015
  8. nickrules
    O-O Liz7 ur same as me.. Its morning for me and your all same with me.. failed math test, toothpaste in my hair...
    Dec 5, 2015