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Comments on Profile Post by SolarJamz

  1. LizardFreak7
    There was an armadillo who thought he knew the meaning of life. He went through his life being nice to everyone, and was successful. He had everything, but alas, he had nothing. He was sad and depressed but he didn't know why. He spent days trying to find the cause, but he could never find a direct reason. He died later that day, and had a party in heaven as he was no longer depressed.
    Dec 27, 2015
  2. LizardFreak7
    ...just realized that sent a bad message about death XD WOOPS
    Dec 27, 2015
  3. SolarJamz
    hahaha, that was so perfect, lol, nice job :p
    Dec 27, 2015
  4. LizardFreak7
    Thanks XD
    Dec 27, 2015