Comments on Profile Post by takecsre

  1. MakerKitty
    Is that a screenshot of your phone's lockscreen at 4:39 pm with a background image of you in greyscale?
    Jan 27, 2016
  2. takecsre
    No I took the picture on snapchat and added the time filter, I then added a filter to make the picture black and white
    Jan 27, 2016
  3. MakerKitty
    uhh... filter? ugh... there's no filter in the image... just a picture set to grayscale and a timestamp layer overtop... peeps nowadays doesn't know what a filter is ;-;
    Jan 27, 2016
  4. takecsre
    lmao doesnt matter
    Jan 27, 2016
  5. gmmc88
    I like it
    *cowers in fear*
    Jan 27, 2016
  6. takecsre
    Jan 28, 2016
  7. Hungry_Barbarian
    New profile pic? Dont you mean my phones background?

    Feb 2, 2016