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Comments on Profile Post by ICryWhenISneeze

  1. LizardFreak7
    Beta means they need to test it, and finalize it, to its full potential before full release to the players. It is not released yet, as it is not fully done.
    Apr 10, 2016
  2. ICryWhenISneeze
    Yes but how come ALL the staff test it? Why can't we do a even mix so there are a few staff and a few players not all the staff.
    Apr 10, 2016
    ADayToRemember_ likes this.
  3. Tsprings73
    Staff, Donors, and usually good well known players can join. The reason for this is because if everyone joins, they will complain that something doesnt work and wont want to help anymore
    Apr 10, 2016
  4. lizardfreak321
    We need a limited test environment. I am happy with donors + staff at the moment. It never gets chaotic, and they have done a nice job reporting bugs. When it is close to done I will do a public beta test.
    Apr 10, 2016
  5. SenzuZX
    XD tsprings thanks for explaining to me how i tested beta factions2.0
    Apr 11, 2016