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Comments on Profile Post by Michaeldeboss

  1. PixelPikaa1
    they said you're pdestroyer. Not to be rude, but I can see why they're suspicious seeing how you lied about your age.
    Apr 23, 2016
  2. Michaeldeboss
    Something like this happened before with ygaming and ali....
    Apr 23, 2016
  3. PixelPikaa1
    But is that relevant right now? Are they saying you're ali? You never answered/responded to what I said about your age.
    Apr 23, 2016
    dont worry he is banned now
    Apr 23, 2016
  5. gmmc88
    @PixelPikaa1 Michael joined around the same time as darkhorse/ygaming, and so people thought he was a third alt... he's not. He doesn't cause any problems like Ygaming. Also, he is in no way obliges to tell you his real name; the rules forbid asking for or giving away personal info.Also, who da heck is pdestroyer?
    Apr 28, 2016
  6. DestroyerBoy_
    An alt of ali
    Apr 29, 2016