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Comments on Profile Post by xIrish

  1. lizardfreak321
    We don't care what your personality is, as long as it doesn't cause issues with the ShadowXCraft community. The ShadowXCraft community as a whole is very sensitive to issues so we need to make sure they don't spread.
    May 1, 2016
  2. xIrish
    May 1, 2016
  3. lizardfreak321
    @xIrish If you think we are doing such a bad job, I think you should write up a thread about community management in "Off topic". We're doing a lot better than if we were doing nothing. We are enforcing the clearly defined rules that state what players can and cannot do to try to make the server family friendly.
    May 1, 2016
  4. xIrish
    @lizardfreak321 Yet _Bleached got muted because of a rule that was added after she said it and why should i waste my time writing a thread?At the end of the day ShadowXCraft have no right to mute or ban someone cause of something that happened in a skype group chat that had nothing to do with it its more to the GardaĆ­/police/Authorities if this person is making threats etc etc.
    May 1, 2016
  5. lizardfreak321
    @xIrish The root reason we mute players is because they are bad for the community (Examples: Swearing, drama). When someone is very bad on Skype, we know they have the potential to cause a lot of bad things to the community. Considering that group chat was basically made up of people FROM ShadowXCraft it DIRECTLY affects the community.
    May 1, 2016
  6. xIrish
    May 1, 2016
  7. Hungry_Barbarian
    May 1, 2016
  8. NicoleThePepe
    Excuse me but how did I know I was breaking a rule when the rule got added AFTER I said the stuff. The rules say, " You can still get banned if you broke a rule that got added 1 minute ago!" But what if the rule got added after the rule got broken?
    May 2, 2016
  9. lizardfreak321
    @NicoleThePepe as stated in previos posts, it wasn't really a rule issue, it was more of a community issue. We punish to keep the ShadowXCraft community.
    May 3, 2016