really? have you seen some of the kids today, like from 9-13. yesterday i was playing a Team deathmatch on BO3 and i ran into 3 kids who were dam salty joking about things like drinking bleach, and they acted like idiots.
As every generations go on, children get worse and worse. They start thinking they're little princes or princesses and don't treat their seniors, and their counterparts, with respect. In my day, you used to be hit with wooden rulers on your knuckles until it was bleeding, in school. That was if you misbehaved.
True, humanity plays a part in it: parents spoil children, etc etc. They do not know the real extent of the unfortunate. Everyone takes everything for granted, like fortunate people take water for granted.
I blame it on the adults. Many kids my age are wondering why all of the adults are in charge. I think that Lord of the flies is what is happening with adults and it is less likely to happen with kids who are less prone to prejudice and bias
some adults have reasons so act like this though. look at people like leafyishere he does youtube for a living and uses a lot of satire content so you cant blame all adults id say parents honestly
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