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Comments on Profile Post by Purplesim

  1. Purplesim
    Pls I just don't want to change my avatar I ran our of ideas with other pics srry
    Jun 6, 2016
  2. ADayToRemember_
    Dont apologize. If you dont feel comfortable putting a picture showing your face, you dont have to :p I love your new profile picture!
    Jun 6, 2016
  3. Purplesim
    Ok thanks merome
    Jun 6, 2016
  4. WafDan
    #MermeFaceReveal I meme watt
    Jun 7, 2016
  5. Purplesim
    Meme? xD
    Jun 7, 2016
  6. WafDan
    nah nah nah merme is Merome's nickname
    Jun 8, 2016
  7. Purplesim
    i said meme not merme -_-
    Jun 8, 2016
  8. VJ2005
    Lol she does not want to change her pic cuz she is afraid that liz might tell her to change it and it made her mad and she did not want to show her face that's why she made this status :p
    Jun 22, 2016
  9. VJ2005
    Sorry purp
    Jun 22, 2016